Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Time Flies

It's been almost 5 years since I touched this blog.  Do you know how much happens in 5 years?  I am a completely different mom and autism advocate than I was back then.  And my kiddo?  He has changed so much and yet he hasn't.  His biggest struggle continues to be emotional regulation.  Funny.  That was not even in my vocabulary back in 2011.  We are so fortunate for the wonderful teachers and therapists who have crossed our paths.  We seem to collect these wonderful people.  Now that I think of it, they probably collect us since they typically have such big compassionate hearts and a passion for helping kids like CG.  I am thankful every day for them.  They are the people, besides my husband, who I can talk to and they just get it.  They don't pooh pooh things and tell me their kids do the same thing (ps they may have kinda been doing the same thing back when they were 4 or 5 years old.  At 12, not so much.)  Anyways, they have walked a mile in our shoes with our kid and understand our fears and sadness, but also celebrate so many successes!!!  I am going to try to write with more regularity.  I have so much to share.  I want to take all those new autism mommies and hug them.  Give them my cell phone to call me 24/7.  I know you though I have not met you.

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